Sedgefield 25/08/18 libbed 0730AM Light West North West. Good luck
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Ted and Val Attwater with stunning win from Whitby
Congratulations to Ted and Val Attwater winning the fed from Whitby. That one certainly found some help with the conditions
Whitby 18/08/18
Whitby 18/08/18 Convoyer Dave Henry has libbed at 0830AM into a West South West wind. Good luck
Bubwith King strikes again!!!!!!
Congratulations to Bob Kellett . the undisputed King of Bubwith
GB18X07232, GB18X07227
If the above rings are yours please call Ray Knight on 01205 871901 after 8pm
Thank You
Bubwith 11/08/18
Bubwith 11/08/18 Convoyer Dave Henry has libbed at 0745AM into a West North West wind. Good luck
John Lenson leads the Federation home in Mercedes style 1,2
Congratulations to John Lenson on a cracking 1,2 from Bubwith young birds 1
Bubwith 4/8/18
Convoyer Dave Henry has libbed the birds at 0800AM into a Light North West wind. Good luck