Rules as of Jan 2023
- That this Federation be called “The Peterborough and District Federation of Homing Societies”, with an area bounded on the West by Long. 1° West and the remaining area with a radius of 54 miles. All Clubs belonging to this Federation shall be affiliated to, and governed by, the “Standard” rules of the Royal Pigeon Racing Association. The centre of the Federation is Cathedral Square, Peterborough. Location: Latitude 52° 34’ 20” N. Longitude 0° 14’ 30” W.
- Any Club in the Radius, consisting of 6 or more active members from separate lofts will be allowed to join, subject to election by the Federation Committee. All members of Clubs making application must fly from lofts located within the Federation Radius. Clubs wishing to join must make written application to the Federation Secretary. Any Club wishing to resign from Membership must do so on or before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- That any Club who are members of the Federation whose membership falls below 5 active members with separate lofts, such Club will cease to compete in Federation races.
- Each Club be allocated 2 Delegates to the Federation, such Delegates form the Committee. No Delegate to be allowed to represent more than one club, and at least four Delegates meetings to be held annually.
- The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditors, to be elected annually.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Federation to be held before the end of December in each year, the date to be fixed at the previous AGM.
- The Federation cannot be dissolved without the consent in writing of two thirds of its Delegates, obtained and confirmed at an Extraordinary General Meeting, especially convened for consideration of such Dissolution, in which event, any property belonging to the Federation, shall be disposed of to the best advantage and the proceeds, together with any surplus in the General Found, the equally divided amongst the Clubs in proportion to the number of Members.
- Any Delegate misconducting himself at any of the Federation Meetings, the Committee shall have the power to reject him as a Representative of his Club, and require such Club to nominate a substitute and deal with such Delegate as the Federation Committee may direct.
- The expenses of the Federation will be defrayed as follows. The Annual Subscription to be £35.00 per club member, paid on or before 1st March each year.
- Any Club retiring from the Federation before the end of the season, must forfeit all rights, monies etc., deposited with the Federation, and will be liable to a proportionate part of any deficit on General Expenses Account.
- The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all monies, received and paid, on behalf of the Federation and must have a Balance Sheet ready for the Annual General Meeting.
- Each Club Secretary on or before April 1st, must send to the Federation Treasurer, the names and addresses of each active Member of his Club.
- Spare
- The Federation Prizes, etc., will be awarded on the system of velocity proper, i.e., the bird making the greatest velocity to win. To be paid in three prizes: 50%, 30%, and 20%. In the event of only one bird being times in before the close of that race, the bird to take all the prize money for that Section. In case a bird id disqualified, the next in position takes the Prize Money, and higher position. Old and Young Bird Averages worked out on Total Times and Total distances. All Club Old Bird and Young Bird Averages to be supplied to the Federation Secretary within 14 days of the publication of the last race.
- The Committee shall have the power to suspend any member guilty of any violation of the Rules, or Racing conditions. Any member so suspended shall forfeit his Subscriptions, together with all claims to Prize Money, Funds or Property of the Federation or Clubs, to which he may belong.
- All questions submitted to Federation Meetings shall be decided by a majority of votes of members present and in the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote: 5 to form a quorum.
- That none of the foregoing Rules shall be altered or added to except at the Annual General Meeting, when such alteration or addition must have definitely appeared on the Agenda which accompanies the notice convening the Meeting, i.e. ten days before such Meeting.
- That no Federation Committee Meeting can be held unless five Clubs are represented. In the event of insufficient Clubs being represented, defaulting Clubs be liable for share of attending Clubs’ expenses.
- Diplomas will be awarded to members taking positions three times in the first six of each section. A Challenge Trophy to be awarded to winners of each Section for the Old Bird Average, Young Bird Average and Combined Average.
- That the Federation on their results show the first 12 in each section and the first 3 in each club, and the number of members and birds sent in each club.
- Spare.
- That all Nomination Races be financially self-supporting.
- Any member of the Peterborough & District Federation of Homing Societies, who had an entire clearance sale, should be refused the facilities of the Federation transporters for 3 years from the date of the entire clearance sale.
- Transport, Equipment, Convoying and Costs to be formulated at Federation Delegate meetings.
- Within 3 days to the close of each race, club secretaries must forward by first class post to the Federation Secretary the following: race results showing the first 12 positions, net times, velocities and ring and rubber numbers, also clock sheet (computer result), club master dials or rolls, dials or rolls from members clocks taking the first 3 positions. Clubs failing to comply with this rule will not be included on the Federation race result for the week in question. When distances are not at hand approximate distance and velocities should be given. For Federation nomination/championship races club secretaries are to submit separate race result sheet showing net times, velocities and ring and rubber numbers for all verified pigeons. Failure to comply with this rule will mean that member’s positions will not be shown. All correspondence held by the Royal Mail for collection because of insufficient postage that club will be charged £5.00 per item. The only birds shown on Federation results will be those shown on Clubs official results received by the Federation Secretary each week.
- Should the owner of any bird or birds sent for competition in the races communicate either directly or indirectly with the Convoyer or conveyers’ while the birds are in his charge and after the Convoyer has left the Federation boundary, he (the said owner) shall be disqualified from taking any prize, or diploma, or pool to which his bird or birds may be otherwise entitled and no record shall be kept of the performance of any bird or birds belonging to a member or competitor so disqualified. This rule shall not apply to the Secretary.
- Birds to be liberated simultaneously at all races.
- Any Member flying Birds to more than one Loft is to have the distance reckoned to the loft nearest the flying point, and for his running distance, from the nearest loft to the clock station.
- All Birds must fly to a Member’s loft and be the absolute property of members, in whose names they are raced and to be shown alive to the appointed Representative of the Federation within a reasonable time of close of race, if required, who shall have power to liberate the bird, which must return to the Member’s loft in his presence. Any infraction of this Rule shall annul all right to prizes or future competition in Federation or Club Races and the Federation Committee shall be at liberty to send a Representative to investigate the legitimate ownership of the bird, the expenses of such investigation to be borne by the defaulting Member and to be recoverable as and for liquidated damages.
- All birds will be at their owner’s risk. No bird will be allowed to compete in Federation or Club Races, which the Committee consider in any way suffering from disease.
- The Federation Secretary or other persons authorised by him, shall notify clubs of the liberation time or hold-over’s.
- All races close when the velocity reaches 440 yards per minute. If birds are held over and liberated on Sunday or subsequent days, race to stand.
- In races extending over one day: The hours of darkness be from 10.00 p.m. to 4.30 a.m. Should a member’s first bird be timed in after 10.00 p.m. the hours of darkness to commence at such time. Should a bird be timed in before 4.30 a.m. hours of darkness to cease at that time. The hours of darkness for Young Birds to be from 8.00 p.m. to 6.30 a.m. Should a member’s first bird be timed in after 8.00 p.m. the hours of darkness to commence at such time. Should a bird be timed in before 6.30 a.m. the hours of darkness to cease at such time. In the event of birds of this Federation being convoyed and liberated simultaneously in races extending over one day by any other club or organisation the hours of darkness ruling in that club shall apply.
- The Federation races to be flown in FIVE sections, and each section will comprise of the following areas:-
North East Section:
Western Boundary Long. 0° 05’ 00” W.
Southern Boundary Lat. 52° 50’ 00”
Northern & Eastern Boundaries within the Federation Radius.
North West Section:
Eastern Boundary Long. 0° 05’ 00” W.
Southern Boundary Lat. 52° 50’ 00”
Northern & Western Boundaries within the Federation Radius.
South West Section:
Northern Boundary Lat. 52° 50’ 00”
Eastern Boundary Long. 0° 05’ 00” W
Southern & Western Boundaries within the Federation Radius.
East Section:
Northern Boundary Lat. 52° 50’ 00”
Southern Boundary Lat. 52° 35’ 00”
Western Boundary Long. 0° 05’ 00” W
Eastern Boundary within the Federation Radius.
South East Section:
Northern Boundary Lat. 52° 35’ 00”
Eastern Boundary Long. 0° 05’ 00” W
Southern & Eastern Boundaries within the Federation Radius.
Club members to compete in the Federation Section in which their loft locations are situated. Duplications are accepted from convoying organisations. Members are limited to entry into one Federation Section only.
- Spare.
- Members are compelled to have their birds intended for the Races at the Club House, at the time appointed by the Committee. The Birds to be race-rung privately and all Birds put in Race Baskets, must be Rubber Race Rung, a member if he so wishes can hand his race entries individually to the marking committee. All Prize Winners to be entered up in the Register of Society and Verification Cards filed. The Record of Registers and Files to be kept for 5 years.
- Spare.
- No club race marking to commence until 5 club members are present. The names of all non-competing members to be submitted, in writing, to the Federation Secretary with the club’s entry forms. Should that number fall below 5, the club must have all its birds marked and race-rung by another club which is a member of the Peterborough and District Federation, and the Federation Secretary notified of this arrangement.
- The Results of all Races will be forwarded to “Racing Pigeon” and “British Homing World” by the Federation Secretary, as early as possible after each race.
- No Young Bird wearing either a Young Bird or an Old Bird Ring will be allowed to compete in Old Bird Races.
- All club secretaries or those deputising for same must have their race entry forms and open sheets signed in full by whom they are marked.
- Any club not sending to any race must notify the Federation secretary at least 24 hours prior to the date of dispatch of the convoy.
- On the day of liberation, the Convoyer uses all methods available to him to ascertain weather conditions, and will contact any race controllers whose liberation may affect our liberation. Convoyer will keep a written record of conditions and actions taken for each race.
- When adverse weather leads to a hold over, and the Convoyer is not able to see improvement in the weather forecasted, the Secretary consults the emergency committee for the convoy to be brought back to a scheduled RPRA race point, and at least one hour standing time to be allowed before liberation.
- The Federation have a Transport Committee, consisting of one member from each Section who will choose the next season’s Race Programme.
- Club secretaries to provide the Federation secretary with the loft locations of their current membership, and of any subsequent change of loft location of a member. Clubs applying for membership of the Federation to provide loft locations of their current members prior to the confirmation of acceptance of their application. No Federation prize monies etc be awarded to a club member whose current loft location details are not held by the Federation secretary.
- All races on the Federation race programme be incorporated into the Federation Averages.
- No objections shall be entertained against any competitor unless a Club lodges it with the Federation Secretary within fourteen days after the publication of the official Federation result as sent to all Clubs Secretaries. When possible seven clear days notice will be given for any Federation Meeting called concerning this.
- The bird making the highest velocity shall be declared the winner, excepting when in the opinion of the Emergency Committee, after giving it full consideration to the circumstances and conditions prevailing at the time, a pigeon returns an improbable velocity, then that pigeon shall be disqualified from the race. Any Club feeling that this new rule should apply to any particular race must object to the Federation in accordance with the new rule above.
- Anything arising not provided for in these rules shall be decided by the Emergency Committee.
- Each Club shall appoint an Official Clock Setter and Clock Committee of not less than 3, who must be present at the setting and checking of all Clocks. The official Clock Setter shall see that all Clocks are properly locked when sent out and that they are returned in the same condition.
1A RPRA Clock Rule 210 to apply: All Clocks used in connection with any race must be set and checked by a Master Timer which shall display and leave a permanent printed record in days, hours, minutes and seconds and all Master Timers shall be set and checked by Master Timer which shall be Greenwich Time taken from the last pip of the BBC Time Signal or Tim.
- A member may have in his possession two clocks at one time set by one Master Timer for the purpose of timing-in two races provided such member declares one clock for each race. Secretary and Committee to certify. In the event of a member living over three miles from the Club H.Q. he be allowed two clocks for one race but only one to be used.
- Before setting, Clock Dials must bear date of Setting, Number of Clock, Race Point, and be signed by two Members of the Clock Committee.
- Proper cylinders or boxes must be used in all Clocks for inserting race marks and member’s name in Clock. Members using either TOULET or BELIGICA clocks must only use telescopic thimbles and not the hinged boxes. The time of setting and opening all Clocks must be entered in a Clock book and shall be initialled by Clock Setters in ink or indelible pencil.
- Members, who are not holding a Clock of their own, may, by arrangement with any other Members, time in their birds on such Member’s Clock, or at Clock Stations, arranged by his Club, but in each case his name must be placed inside the box when timing in. The time allowance for reaching such a clock shall be at the rate of five minutes to the mile on foot and three minutes to the mile on cycle. No allowance shall be made for motor driven vehicles. The distance to be measured to the nearest distance to the premises of the member holding the Clock or clock Station.
- After being used, Clocks must be produced at the Club House at time arranged. In case of Hold-over’s, etc., Members will be responsible for returning Clock for re winding after three days running. In Long distance Races, Clocks must be produced and checked, the day of timing-in.
- All clocks to be read to the nearest second.
- During the time a Clock is under Lock, the Secretary or his Deputy shall have the right to inspect the same at any reasonable time, at the Clock Station, or Loft, and take an impression of the time. Failure to produce Clock when requested will mean disqualification.
- The Committee shall have the power to retain any Clock with regard to which they may consider is defective.
- Neither the committee nor any officers shall be liable to any Clock owner for any damage or loss that may occur whilst the Clock is in their custody.
- That the Federation Secretary, or his Deputy, previous to the first race and then after each race, shall be at liberty to visit any Club on marking, setting and checking night to act as a safeguard against bad management and that no Club shall be apprised when and by whom they may be visited.
- Should any question arise that is not provided for in these Clock Rules the same shall be decided by the Committee.
- A copy of the running of all Club Clocks, in the three positions as required by the R.P.R.A. rule 1 (Standard Clock Rules) be forwarded the Federation Secretary with the race sheets at the first Old Bird Race.